Saturday, May 31, 2008
Hello! to frequent visitors of my blog, you might have realised that...well my blogs changed.....layout-wise haha hope you guys like this new layout! leave your comments on taggy!
Anyway, as you can PROBABLY see i added a video...(I know u guys are not blind and all but forgive me for repeating) It's a music video by Lifehouse front man, Jason Wade. and it was made for teens who died in automobile it's lryics are pretty meaningful...yup so hence i decided to share...actually this song also represents how i feel 'bout my current crush...yeaps and NO shes not dead or over seas or anything...its jut...well how i feel symbolises what i feel and am goin through now...
So anyway on with my life...I manage to hold a longer conversation with HER yay! though at the end she didnt reply i m still happy...haha now i wish i could be in be a closer friend to her...
Also, I'm going to audition for my chruch's youth service worship team TOMORROW! omg...the pressure >.< I have to play 'Heart of Worship', and 'Touching Heaven, Changing Earth' . I can play 'Heart of Worship' just fine however 'Touching Heaven, Changing Earth' is turning out to be harder than i thought. but still, i m gonna try my very best...wish me luck!okok shall stop here first...there isnt much to post about as it is ONLY the first half of the day....later i m going for a yea post bout it later! Check back lter for updates haha! ciao!
Lol sorry the updates took soo long, the bbq was ok i guess...too much food for once haha!But i got home pretty late so yea...didnt have time to update?So anywayx came home and used lappy and talked to several people online before heading back to sleep...yeap....lousy update i know....please don't kill me for wasting your time XP
Labels: Life Stories
haix another short blog entry...cause i feel like it XDD....not as emo as before cause....well....SOMETHING happened...haha YAY i suffering from insomia too...anywayx I have decided THAT day will be the day....i hope.....i think.....i know...the answer....
Labels: Short posts
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Today bought headphones YAY i m less emo too....
I saw your pictures again....and now, i'm sure, you are the ONE i wan to PROTECTLabels: Hidden, Short posts
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
i m not gonna post bout yesterday or even today for that matter...tdy i m feeling TOO even inject this post with any happiness...i cannot sleep, ehnce i m awake @ such an akward timing...i seen her online but yet she doesnt tok to there something wrong with me?something sooo wrong that...even being friends with me is like catching the flu or worse?i don't know...right now....i doubt anyone knows how i feel...not even the closet friend i have now, steph.why m i like this?why when i close my eyes....i see her smile, n KNOW its never gonna be mine...mayb i m selffish for only wanting it for myslfand no one else....but...still...i also been thinking that i m gonna die soon...if i do i wish that i die saving HER...or something...i wished sometimes.......that i can noone would miss one would ever feel the pain,of knowing me.
5h1 you would never ever much u mean to me....i hope i get the chance to tell u though.....but seems i never ever will.....
Labels: Emo, Hidden
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
O man...haha sry bout not posting for the past 3 days =.= kinda busy these anyway PREPARE FOR A LONG POST haha i'm joking...i rather summarise everything...if not it would be too long for a normal person to read haha.
Sat Pretty normal day.WITH THE EXCEPTION that i got my new PHONE! For those of you who think i'm like disturbing Jamie, I'm not =.=, cause i REALLY changed my phone.yupx and after getting my new phone,headed to my parents' chruch friend house to eat dinner.
Sunday was also another normal day. Well for the first half of the day only anyway. I attended my chruch's 1st service as i was going for StreetFest (otherwise known as Street Festival) with some Sgcafe members.Upon my arrival @ Suntec, I found out there was a Halo 3 competition, and having never joined a competition before, I decided to sign up and get a feel for it. However apparently, it was a 2v2 match. So i ended up pairing with this random french guy who wanted to play. OBVIOUSLY we lost all our rounds. =.= i mean i havnt played in a long time, and even when i peaked (which was in the last game =.=) the french guy and me still couldnt as a team, hence causing our downfall. O well, it was a good learning experience. So i re-joined the sgcafe members after the competition, and we headed to eat dinner at Burger King/Long John Silver. I followed Tohru,Reinheart, and Moron to LJS where we talked abit before rejoining the other group ,which ate at Burger King, and headed to a grass patch outside Marina Square. There we talked some more and blasted some music. O yea i saw one member (i forgot her nickname) wearing platform boots that was VERY THICK. Infact her boots kinda reminded me of a dollfie's shoes.So after that headed home and watched Vanhelsing before turning in =o
Woke up on monday, tired nonetheless due to me sleeping late. So dddrrraaagggggg-ed myself off to school.So basically i was sorta running at 75-60% power =.= normal school day too (too lazy to elaborate or explain it in details. So the only things left worth mentioning,would be that i met up with Jodi for dinner,Where I met some of her friends and had a little chat with her.
But i'm glad we turned out like that, as in just friends. =) Another thing that happen was the practice with my Song Composing Club group for our performance this Wednesday. It was fun! Haha and now we got the arrangement done and all! YAY! And thanks to one senior, we found out we could 'chipmunk' ourselves thanks to the keyboard. With a touch of a button, we could make ourselves sound like The Chipmunks haha. I really don't know what to expect out of the performance this wednesday =s maybe a bit worried...but still i can't wait for it!
I m also wondering whether i should ask the person I like to go have a look at the performance. However with the common test next week i doubt she would be able to come. I'll ask her for the next performance perhaps?
I been more down in the dumps recently...mostly due to worrying that this girl would never like me, or that she might be the next Delight...also to make matters worse, Delight MIGHT know her >.<...would Delight get the wrong idea if i went after her?And theres the matter of fixing the friendship between me and Delight. And now with school work piling up...its really stressful for me....sigh please let this come to a good endLabels: Emo, Life Stories
Friday, May 23, 2008
Hahax it's me again,as you can see this blog has liked come fromt he brink of death to now!haha i been posting more and more (both in frequency and length YAY) AND i hav'nt been as emo as before haha so yea i m more cheery!haha so anyway even before i reached school i received two good news, though unfortunately i'm unable to talk about one of them,still the first one is that my crush actually replied my sms! haha yea this is a pretty small thing to get happy over but I'm a easy person to please haha...and also TODAY IS FRIDAY!which means tomorrow is the start of the weekends!so anyway as usual i was in school by 7am O.O yes u read it correctly my daily routine hav'nt changed yet. I'm in school everyday @ 7am...anywayx its really fun to be in school soo early!you can do your homework or projects haha. In fact you could evn take a walk around school and breathe in that fresh air!okok so i was sitting @ underpass from 7 till lyk 840 before i start walking to my practical for AMMP,today we did gearbox assembly which sounds hard well it WAS kinda complicated...but the whole session was fun on the whole ^-^. We had a lecturer which look like one of 'Under One Roof' character!and we were discussing different thngs when we were done,form jobs even to a Airbus 380 being turned into a prositution plane haha!So after that met G-man and we headed towards.....bukit timah hawker centre or something cause apparently G-man did'nt want to "waste" our two hour break.So there we went (with one more classmate whose name seems to have eluded me =D)on our way to the place which G-man suggested when i heard someone call me.Guess who?It was Jodi haha,apparently she was goin to meet her friends to collect her 'O' Level Examination we chatted for a while ^-^,however with G-man in tow i could'nt really concentrate on the conversation.He was like playing what he suppose was love songs behind us...yea you get the picture =.=....AND up to now, he still finds it funny =.=''', anyway we continued on to the hawker centre where G-man had Laksa , the other dude had lyk roasted meat and rice and me, a big pao and some chee cheong fun.Funny thing is when i ordered this, i said " Da pao(big pao),chee cheong fun." The auntie heard "da pao(take away) chee cheong fun" yea...i think even the hawkers are suffering under the increasing temperature we been experiencing these days...haha so we later headed back to school,there we headed to the library, where i split up with G-man n sat down with the class...though i did'nt exactly interact with class much....i just sat around yea...haha so i was just like sitting down and just surfing random websites and chatting with people online.We then headed for EG lecture, well this time i didnt pay a DAMN LIGHTEST bit of attention in EG, in fact me and G-man were looking at ghost videos...I know i DAMN lame lah...and Seroyen is like one BIG scaredy cat then we were dismissed and we showed a "ghost video" to the teacher.Shes damn brave lahx....she did'nt even get a shock...haha so then I followed G-man to the library where he (and me...sorta) watched 'Steve Austin : The Spy Who Shagged Me' i didnt really watch me cause i was busy typing this post.Haha and today i decided to go home early...anyway reached home and had my dinner.After dinner my father showed me a mail that had came was a 200 dollar voucher for if i upgrade or resign the contract with singtel...I m really interested as my current phone is dieing...but i told my father no...sorta so now mayb when he comes back from cell group i ask him can not...anywayx i m feeling kinda emo now...its complicated...and unexpected too...haix...feel like writing a m not handsome or i don't expect her to like me...Nor do i expect HER to forgive me and accept me as a friend again....all i can do now is hope...
Labels: Life Stories
It seems like i m making it a habit to blog about a days event a day AFTER =.= o well anywayx heres yesterday's entry...well yesterday was slightly better due to it being IS day WOOHOO!~ haha anyway why it's better is because i only have two lessons for IS CommT and IAC...well now actually i only have ONE lesson which is equals to TWO hours EVERY THURSDAY!Why do i only have one lesson now?It's because the other module, IAC, has ended!My group had the presentation yesterday and my part went without a hitch!Actually I think the whole group did it without any problems haha!Before IAC was CommT,which if you NP students still have no idea...its almost like an english class.So anyway if u have read my previous post you would know that my power adapter was left IN school, rendering me unable to post my draft 2 during CommT class my friend who had help me take my power adapter passed it to me and i frantically begin to type in my draft 2 into google docs...okok so that was pretty much it...later was IAC ,followed by...well actually i was i decided to go to the library to hang there i was sitting @ the library blogging away (blogging 'bout wednesday)...after finishing wednesday post(which is posted yesterday =.=) i basically visited ALL my friends blog....yea ALL of it....haha the boredom really killed me so then i decided to go to Ourspace where Lim Sheng was...if u go read his blog you would understand why he's there i just hanged with him there...but before long i was bored again,and hence i proceeded to call the usual bunch,Jamie , Steph, Jodi , and a whole lot of other people INCLUDING some classmates...well most of them had plans, busy, had lessons and such...well steph said ok but she ended @ four and it was i waited till four before joining steph n her friends...they were doing a project so i quietly sat down and did my own project too....I didnt make a single progress though...that was followed by all of us goin for dinner before our cca starts...steph was complaining how much the chinese food @ canteen 2 sucks...and that her friend saidit was good....i guess "one man's meat is another man's poison" XDD so anyway david joined steph and I and we headed for THEIR cca,skate...skate looks kinda fun....mayb i join like next sem?then i sent steph off for her strings before i headed home...i didnt do much @ fact i slept early!again....haha i m getting wierd anyway will post 'bout i hope....ciao!
Labels: Life Stories
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Hello! o^.^o haha sorry 'bout not blogging yesterday,it was kinda hectic and i went home LATE so i didnt have time to blog =.= o well...i'll post it now yesterday started off lyk any other school day...with the exception i had bring my guitar along for Song Composing Club.Well although the lappy the school has loaned me is lighter than the PREVIOUS one they loaned to me,it was still heavy =.= sometimes i wish i didnt lose my stuff )So anyway first lesson was AutoCAD, the teacher gave us a mock test in preparation for the upcoming test.I realised while doing the test that i actually m fond(and probably TOO reliant)on AutoCAD.Yea there also is this guy i'm pretty worried 'bout he doesnt STOP PLAYING computer games during lectures and tutorials...i mean lyk yea most of us play occansionally in class but this guy...u can see him playing in ALMOST EVERY LESSON!!!sigh...o well...anyway so after AutoCAD it was EG lecture, and i actually paid attention! EG is actually basically Amaths so most of the lesson i would be slacking or sumthng...but for this lesson i actually paid attention for the first half of the lesson!That is until G-man called me over to view his MSN conversation with his diving partner,a girl he was interested in.I say WAS cause apparently she's attached...LOL soo sad G-man anyway after the lecture was lunch break! YAY so i followed G-man to canteen 4 again where he ate.Me? i m still on an air diet, trying desperately to save for Guitar Hero 3, Electric guitar,Audio Technica headphones and a Crumpler bag.Its still a LLLLLLOOOOOOOOONNNNNNNNGGGGGGG way away man so that was followed by EG tutorial so we had a test first…..a test I m notconfident of getting full marks but we’ll see…when lesson ended I rushed to Ourspace to meet up with my IAC group mates to put the finishing touches on our presentationfor…well today=) s we finished that up before I rushed over to song composing composing club is still as fun as ever butnow the song we wrote is starting to wear thin on me…best part is that as usual we were asked to work on the song n improve on it =/ and this would actually be managable if we had full strength of 10 people…BUT for some reason there were only three people(including me ) so we tried creating the drum part out and it turned out HORRIBLE so in the end we decided to revert it back to the version we had made the previous week.But soon enough more people begin streaming in! YAY n @ the end, there was seven people! But still by then it was too late for us to make any major changes/additions to our song so we sticked to the plan of playing the good old version we bin playing….this time with different singers and guitarist, so as to giv the usual singers and guitarist a break.So those poor ppl had to reluctantly go up there n perform HALF the song…=.= they initially refused and hence this caused our group leader to be very emo,she cried We are SOOOOO sorry cheryl so then i went home with one of the song composing club member n we had a chat on the way home,making my trip more bearable haha.So i got home, n just as i was getting ready to do my CommT draft 2....i realised I left my lappy adapter @ ourspace while doing the IAC project. I was like O.o as it doesnt belong to me....=.= so then begin the frantic running up n down trying to find it in my house, and also the frantic calling of my IAC ggroupmates yea....and as my IAC groupmate said.."no one cares" cause HE DIDNT PICK UP MY FONE!!! haha jokingjoking o well thats it for yesterday post bout today later ciao!
Labels: Life Stories
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Today started off pretty normal, with the exception that i woke up EARLY today...though if u take the fact that I slept @ 930 >.<>.< , also G-man(my classmate) told me of his diving trip during the weekend...apparently, diving and seeing fishies werent his only achievements during the trip...well he got to know this girl, and now, in his own words, hes VERY CLOSE to her...ok...but if u take in hes also interested and chasing/wooing another gal kinda puts a question mark in my head...I know most guys are like that nowadays but...yea i feel/think differently from most guys or even people...wonder does that make me wierd....o well...O and another test was annouced...well...i feel its more of "exam" then test cause the lecturer was annoucing the common test...yeaps...i
NEED to start studying!>.<>.<) ...yea so next up would be the meeting with my IAC group members to discuss our presentation this we sat down n discussed about the project, yeaps we found pics n stuff to put in our powerpoint...yupx okok i shud say this now!
You guys may not be the best groupmates but still rank very,VERY high on my list hahax its been a JOY working with you guyx n even through all the initial difficulties we faced i m glad we stuck together n pulled through!haha so thanks guys!yeap and steph in a bit of a rough patch now so...yea rmb i m here hahax
Labels: Life Stories
Monday, May 19, 2008
I am gonna try something new hahax!I m gonna type out my post on my handphone DURING the day and post it online it later on!So you SHOULD be seeing LLLLOOOOOOOOONNNNNNNNNNGGGGGGGGGGGGEEEEEEERRRRR posts XDDok well tdy's plan(or activity) is that my family and I go for our Church Family Day which in this year case, would be a short trip to an orchid farm followed by a short shopping trip to a ba kua factory outlet(YUM! ^-^). Ok first stop would be the Orchid Farm.As expected it was a pretty standard visit to a farm, a opening presentation, a tour of the farm and its facilities and such. =/ So with it supposedly a "learning journey" i decided to learn....or rather,brush up on my photography with my mom's camera. Took ALOT of photos (around 30 pics >.<), mostly macro pics of flowers(OMG God made flowers for macro shots ^-^) however i wont upload all of it here as it will probably cause a few ppl who reads this blog to lagg >.< . o yea if you guys EVER get to go there(or any other plantation) ask if they hav vanila (which i heard is a orchid as well O.O i didnt know that.) n if they do ask whether you can smell a small stick of it, cause lyk natural vanila is pure <<<3 haha SERIOUS!



Ok so the next stop would be the Ba Kua factory outlet, where we tried and we buy...BA KUA LAHX! (like duh...=.=) Well to be frank i was kinda expecting a tour around the factory to show us how its made n stuff but we didnt get it >.< o well @ least we got some delicious ba kua ^-^
All in all this chruch family day was ok(for me) it was enjoyable, yet boring...haha contradictory?=.= yea i never cease to amaze me how i can feel like this @ times >.<
Ok now that the chruch family day was done, the next thng we did was go to one of my chrcuh members house for a swim! which i KINDA was looking forward to it cause i have'nt swam in a while..yupx so before we went , we went to get googles for me(my old ones broke >.<) so yeap after that we went n swam....boy i lost alot of stamina >.< ok so after that was dinner @ the uncle's house yup we had chicken rice, pizza and ICE CREAM!!!! YAY haha okok i'm being lame =.=
so that concludes this post hahax see you guys next time round!O yea my uncle's wife just had their baby girl hahax if i ever get pics of her i'll post it online hahax ok bye!
Labels: Life Stories, Pics
Sunday, May 18, 2008
after all these emo post,or rather DURING this emo period i m been lyk reflecting....i should move away from the past.....i tink >.<>.< i would go n say hi n prob apologize again....n bout now the gal i lyk i tried but apparently i TINK she wants to noe mi btr soo yea.....ok stop here
Friday, May 16, 2008
okok i m bored....i WAS @ sch @ 7 again...n rite now the boring-ness of it all is sinking in >.< again =".="">.< wish i could fly, that way i can fly to other places n perhaps for that few moments in other places, forget ALL the troubles i have....o well...i hope this situation comes out right....
Thursday, May 15, 2008
tdy was a normal day....yea....hanged out wif my frenx...n got the gal no. i bin wanting....well....i mean it SHUD b the best day i had rite? but now.....i m nt REMOTELY happy....i dunnoe y....hope tmr jamie allows mi crash her outing......i mean its ok if she doesnt allow.....but b much btr if she did
why isit everytime things look so bright, I have to be reminded of the past? always i m gonna hav to do this on my own again....n i DUN hav any confidence i can pass it tis time......wish mi luck...
Monday, May 12, 2008
i just read
spring boy blog...omg he sooo swt lahx....but den it made mi realise....i prob will nva get anygal....cux i dun hacv as much guts as him >.< o well ....i shall emo summore...willblog more if i wan lata
OMGGGGGGG AMMP class test just fin n it was HARD omg....normali during a test no one would cheat...but tis one EVERYONE was cheating...n those that nva cheat well most gurantee fail....haix...o well.....other den tat tdy was a pretti normal.....o yea...i came sch TOO EARLY too...i forgot EDCAD lesson was cancelled so i was ins ch for nth....from 7am to 1 pm i was studying n watching movie (SISTER ACT IS WOOTS!~) lolx....sians.....argh the test totali ruined a NORMAL day>.< SIANS haix update more lata
I would never be able to put in words,
how I feel bout you,
Because its just indescribable,
when I'm with you.
Sunday, May 11, 2008
okok before i bore the ghost/s reading my blog(since no one tagge my blgos i assume its ghost/s reading my blog den XDD) i m gonna giv sum HAPPI* news for a change...thnx to jamie hahax found two NEW FRIENDS! YAYNESS!*throws confeti into airr* ok now to the informative side
ok fri...went sch for well sch...we had TIG wielding for pract first thng in the morning so i had to wear a LONG sleeved shirt to sch n wif the weather being soooo HOT nowadaes.....i REALI dreaded wearing longsleeve...BEST part, was that the shirt i had....was lyk OVA sized....(when was shirt made TIS big????) got down n dirty n wielded metal...which i did HORRIBLLY! OMG....yea...den had break before having a 2 hour lect...met wif jamie lata on...wanted to go for her piano receital thngy(didnt feel lyk goin for astro) he end jamie followed din n shi to the fresh concert...hence i followed too...lolx it was kinda boring n for sum reason jamie looked set to she wasnt dressed sexily or neither was she VERI pretty or "hot" her face was just...angry? XDD she reali looked lyk she would kill anyone -.-'''so anyway it was ok @ best....even the dancing wasnt as good as FOC cux we onli knew a few ppl there....soo yea it was akward...well den during dance sumthgn happened......well shud not elaborate..but well i m a IDIOT for not doing shyt to stop it from happening....infact i had to ask din to help...o well i SWEAR from tis day on i shall not b a sissy when it comes to helping my frenx*nods*
yea...sat n sun was normal for mi.......
now to the emo part....well hanging out wif jamie n her two frenx....made mi realised how....well lonely i m....i mean i dun hav frenx lyk jamie has din, shi or her other bff...n summore in tis sch...i onli hav one close fren...n SHE cnt always b there can she?o well.....also....i nva did experience wad jamie n her bff did for din....celebrate his bdae normali go unnoticed by alomost everyone....EXCEPT my parents cux i ask them for presents...but seriously i WANT MORE THAN JUST PRESENTS...i wan ppl that care to msg mi happi bdae @ least....but i rarely or rather NEVER get that....i made myslf promise tis year i wouldnt remind my parents or my aunt bout my bdae....i wan see whu rmbs............but...i reali hoped.....@ least sum ppl rmb....theres nth more sad den a lonely person, feeling even MORE lonely....n also.......tink i m begining to lyk sumone.....but told myslf jux b frenx first n see how.....
well on a lighter note...i realiesd tohru put mi on her love list jux now.....hahax thnx toufu! i love u too! XDD hahax tat sounds wrong ...
o baby,
I just wan to steady,
you when u need it.
but would u let me?
Thursday, May 8, 2008
i m in super emo mode now......sians.....jux came home from jtc.....yea n she was there again tis time i realised she grown chubbier! ^^ but...still after the whole thng...i realised everyone in jtc had heir own group, their own clque...mi? i was alone....again...which made mi tink...bout sgcafe ppl sch n such.....n i came to the fact that i M tis stupid world i cnt get out off.... >.< den i realised why i wan save THAT frenship....
because every SINGLE one counts...
I'll do whatever it takes,
to turn you around.
to help u realise that
your frenship is all i need
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
PLX GOD....let tis b a prayer.....i noe i bin putting LOTS if not ALL my thngs ahead of u...but, i have my reasons...its times lyk THESE tats why i dun dare give u EVERYTHNG....PLX i noe its a small thng to get emo ova but....PLX hlp mi find it!
yayness.....tdy n mon was ok.....YAY two days in a row....i havnt seen delight too ^^ not that its a happi thng lahx but yea.....n shi noes delight noooo i die o well as long as no idiot breathes a word i ll b fine! hahax nth much to blog about so i shall stop here
Monday, May 5, 2008
hahax hi ppl! yay i m no longer in emo mode!!! WOOHOO lolx.....okok i m lyin...or rather PARTIALLY lying...ystr was normal as usual....but @ nite was bad.....for sum reason kept tinking bout her again....n how she would react if i died one day >.< hahax obviously most of the scenerio goin in my head was bad lahx....most were of she not even giving a damn (which is the most LYKLY scenerio -__-''') hahax.....o yea......i m also wondering whether shud i join the JTC(cosplay division) shes in there too DAMN IT!!!hahax hope tis situation comes to a gd ending lyk XXXX XDD all i can do now is pray. >.< o man......\
I wonder would u ever see,
How much you mean to me
Even though u pushed me away,
I'll wait for u another day
Friday, May 2, 2008
hahax tdy was fun lahx went out wif david jj jamie steph n jamie's fren shiyun! XDD now onli if i had the photobooth pics we took XDD