Tuesday, June 24, 2008
You know i wake up almost everyday...and regret SOMETHING i have done....well i just watched a video of a race car driver by the name Scott Kalitta...heres the video of what happened

Yea I have no idea who is this...SERIOUSLY...but still i'm paying my tribute to him because an important lesson can be learnt from this...NEVER take anyone for granted because...they might be gone in a blink of the eye :'( it also reminded me not to have regrets in my life and why i wanted to protect all those who I love...so as to perhaps prevent them form being snatched sooo suddenly from us all...And so to Scott's Family, Friends and Fans...my condolences to you all...and at least be comforted by the fact that he died doing what he LOVED to do

and that is why i wan protect YOU

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Self Entitled
Name: Joel
-17 going on 18
-1.8-something metres tall =D
-Mood swings often, at times even more than the rollercoasters.
-EPPS('98 :1F,'99 :2F,'00 :3G,'01 :4G,'02 :5H,'03 :6H),SGSS('04 :1E1,'05 :2E1,'06 :3E1,'07 :4E1),NP AT('08 :1T05)

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-Losing Friends D=
-Feeling Emo


    Dreaming Out Loud
    LAST UPDATED:1st December 2008

    - Yamaha FX370C
    - The ONE person.
    - VOX VT30 with foot switch
    - Les Paul
    - Halo 3 : ODST
    - RED Fender Mustang

    The Performance

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