Thursday, June 26, 2008
Yesterday & Today - Do As Infinity

As the title implies gonna blog about yesterday and today haha ok well yesterday was a GREAT day haha it was PURE awesomeness lah...(MORE awesome than Jamie the awesome XDD). Brought Skye for her first jam session? Did'nt go as plan...she received a dent to her back by who knows what or who...but that's ok i still love her as much o^.^o <3s! o and i think i was really getting into the mood at the jam session....TOO into as i snaped her A string?Lucky not her G-String....if not you see people laughing away =.='''' o well that concludes the YESTERDAY part will come later!check back for updates yea?

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Self Entitled
Name: Joel
-17 going on 18
-1.8-something metres tall =D
-Mood swings often, at times even more than the rollercoasters.
-EPPS('98 :1F,'99 :2F,'00 :3G,'01 :4G,'02 :5H,'03 :6H),SGSS('04 :1E1,'05 :2E1,'06 :3E1,'07 :4E1),NP AT('08 :1T05)

My Links
My Xbox's Blog Youtube Profile
My Reviews/Tech Site
-My Guitars, Lyla and Skye
-Losing Friends D=
-Feeling Emo


    Dreaming Out Loud
    LAST UPDATED:1st December 2008

    - Yamaha FX370C
    - The ONE person.
    - VOX VT30 with foot switch
    - Les Paul
    - Halo 3 : ODST
    - RED Fender Mustang

    The Performance

    The Encore